
Designed & handmade In England
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Lifetime guarantee
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Sale price£175.00

About Betsy

Betsy is a honey-coloured bear lovingly crafted from 100% pure mohair, featuring warm fawn ultra-suede pads and paws.

To accentuate her charm, Betsy comes dressed in a cotton dress featuring the iconic Liberty ‘Betsy’ print. Betsy is fully jointed with traditional wooden joints and has shiny black safety-locking eyes. Soft filled with recyclable materials, Betsy also has a small weighted bag in her tummy to create a lovely tactile feel.

Handmade & sent in: 1 - 2 weeks (+1 week for personalisation)

Gold Curly Mohair

What we call our traditional mohair, the royal gold combined with an excellent curl, this fabric makes an exquisite bear. As all the fabrics we use in our bear making, this mohair is of the highest quality.